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Wir waren dran Essen zu kochen fuer den Stammtisch dieses Semesters. Was lustig ist, haben wir nicht so viele typische singapurische Gerichte dass wir in Deutschland kaufen koennen. Dennoch entschieden ein Paar Leute fuer ein einfaches Gericht von gebackt Reis mit Gemuese, Eier, Schweinefleisch und Chili. Ich dachte trotzdem dass Chili von Singapur ist! Es scheint so...
Sowieso war ich verantwortlich nur fuer dem Bedienung, seit ich spaet gekommen war.
Damals habe ich viele Leute, denen ich kenne, getroffen - Jari, Linka, Ernesto, Ergoltz, Ane, Rafel, Mikhail, Fausto! COOL! Aber der ganze Abends habe ich viel Deutsch gesprochen. Sehr gute Uebungen oder was! Na ja...
The Stammtisch (click to find out what exactly is it) night was full of people of different nationalities, of shuaiges and meinvs from different lands from all over the world. Cool huh?
I was in charge of serving since I am not involved into the main cooking, so I shall volunteer to do the "mai4 xiao4 de" - "sell smiles one"... But it wasn't at all a chore: you get to interact with people, talk to them, get to see pretty girls (oh yeah manz, there are lots of them), and friendly guys and some of my Austrian (Linka), Finnish (Jari), Spanish (Ergoltz, Ernesto, Ane, Rafel, Mikhail) and Italian (Fausto) friends turned up too! And best of all we get to speak and practise a little bit of German. Not too sophisticated but normal conversation. As of always, we were praised for our efficiency and organisation haha.... Well it's Singaporeans, what you expect. And of course the food, which turned out quite well. It is not alot but it does look good and suffice for a little gathering where the main topic isn't exactly the food either.
Like the old Chinese saying "The sparrow may be small, but it has a complete set of organs", the food is, so is Singapore. So dun mess with us haha...
Wow, sometimes I am really amazed at myself for coming up with such literary relationships... *diaoz*
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