But well, kindda find Katherine Heigl looking a tad older than normal, though still glamourous, and pairing with James Marsden was indeed a refreshing combination. Sad to say, despite being a good actor, this is probably one of the few shows James Marsden is the lead. And both of them do look good together. Oh, and I especially liked the 'Casey', the witty and hilarious 'best friend' of Kat Heigl in the show. She's really one of a kind, HAHA... Her appearance never fails to make me grin or laugh or nod my head in agreement LOLX. And the sister 'Tess', who is really such an eye candy - think a bit of Keira Knightley and a bit of Scarlett Johansson.
Then AX and me had a good chat at a 24-hour Mr Teh Tarik Cafe. Probably the only 24-hour eatery at Tiong Bahru Plaza. But it was not bad for a chill-out.
No one says you have to be gloomy on Mondays. Despite the fact that it is 4 am in the morning and I am still here doing my FYP :S But well, technically speaking, it's Tuesday...
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