Ok finally reached a certain milestone that I could rest for a while, before catching my breath and continuing.
Realised my friend's in Japan for SEP! So many people away siahz. I have a friend who is in China now on SEP as well. Rus is in Australia. Wer noch?
After German 6 today, is project discussion, which first draft is due FRIDAY. NOOOOO!!! Ok, that day and weekend's burnt too... Cos my Structural Bio assignment is due Monday. Plus next Wed is IPPT. zzzz. Haha, but thinking that after Friday I am free from FYP just brings happy thoughts :P
YZ just came back from Goettingen and was offered a scholarship!! One of six persons from all over the world!! *CLAP CLAP* But sadly she said she is turning it down cos she doesn't like the lab. But good la, they paid for her flight to Germany for the interview k... LOLX *envious envious* But she bought goodies for us :P *Hanuta.. Qoooo* Then we were discussing about career prospects. Seems like everybody got a 出路 already, but where is mine!?!? Ok, PRIORITY EINS nach dem FYP - Job search...
I really like my German classmates. They are such a warm, happening, conversant bunch of cool people. Many I have grown closer to and am really glad for our friendships :P Let's go KBOX again or SETTLERS, when things are a little more manageable.
SW skipped class today, cos his sis gave birth to a second child, a girl!! CONGRATS!!
Was tokking to YC, then realised I might have more than one grad trip. OOps... Rus, are we going diving still? HAHA...
Then went down to my bro's room to do my FYP. Helping me with the printing of a 12-page map. Really couldn't ask for a better bro, who goes all out to help me whenever I ask for help, albeit his temper is sometimes so bad. Well, 23 years with him, minus first 5 years of ignorance, I think I have grown to handle such temperaments. Sowieso a big THANK YOU!! I will buy you a camera soon HAHA!! With my first paycheck perhaps.
Basically, I love my life. *smug*
Except the fact that my stomach's flatulent again...
~ Don't trouble trouble, unless trouble troubles you ~
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