Bangkok trip for me was seriously mainly about visiting Th and Kw, and I was hoping possibly Man. But well Man's in his own province nursing a wound (I heard), think he should be fine, given his 乐天personality. I am so so glad they are all doing fine and happy and having lotsa plans for their future: Thip wants to set up her own company, Kw wants to pursue a phD and Man is currently working in Singapore. Jiayou!! Till the next time we meet...
Anyway this is the link for photos of the Bangkok trip:
Went to help out at a compbio talk for Prof Low. Saw all the undergraduate-wannabes and realised how old I have become. Well, wasn't much people for the timeslot that I went; Prof Low said the afternoon batch has even more people. Met BW and PW who came to help. Dint speak to them a single word in my entire 4 years. Was mildly surprised when BW initiated talking to me; both are now pursuing phD. PW is doing SMA, and BW at Brenner Centre. Hopefully I can get my phD eventually, but well, for now, working is the best option for me, considering my situation at the moment. But planning should start soon, after everything falls more neatly into places...
And I am starting work TOMORROW!! Oh gosh! Looking forward yet having Angst for the new colleagues, Boss and work. Hopefully they are nice people... I wanna meet up with my old friends and old colleagues as well! Familiar yet foreign Biopolis... I guess tmr will have to be a string of admins as well.
Glad XL is enjoying (finally) her stay in France as well. That's good. It wouldn't be nice to be all blue and gloomy and away from everybody in a foreign land. Although I am going crazy here, I just have to wait I guess; hope she is not seriously considering extending her stay... But well, (should be) just glad that she is having fun and happy out there...
Taking flight in a new phase in life, with new resolutions, new directions and new considerations. May everything pans out nicely HA! *Murphy lurks*
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