Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shuffling my routine

My current PI was playing squash in the courts. It was the weirdest feeling. Good thing I didn't play with him. I will not know what to do!! Damn... I will think about it when it happens.

I think I am losing some steam in playing squash... I need someone to train with. Or I need to some time to train myself... In any case, too much squash is no good too. I need to start moderating, before it starts jeopardizing my schedule.

I felt great today though. Played 12 matches and had a great workout. But I need to up my court fitness to derive more enjoyment out of these. 

And I seriously need to think about my meals. I am doing a lot of weird dinner timings, and getting hungry, which I don't think it's good at all. I will try cooking in the morning and then saving for the evening. Think that might prove to be better. 

Alright, J, chin up and good to go!

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