Thursday, March 14, 2019

How to set up NVim-R

I seem to be moving towards the endpoint with every try I have. So this will be like a protracted endeavor, hopefully until this works.... Wish me luck.

Follow these resources closely: 1 | 2

Resources used in the past:

1) install Vim 8.x without root access
--Download here
--Replace "Building Vim" instructions above site, with additional install instructions without root access here:
cd src
./configure --prefix=$HOME/software/vim_v8.0
make install

2) Installation - use Vim plugin functionality
open ~/.vimrc:

set nocompatible
   syntax enable
      filetype plugin on
         filetype indent on

" Plugins will be downloaded under the specified directory.
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

" Declare the list of plugins.
" github account can be accessed like this
Plug 'jalvesaq/Nvim-R'

" List ends here. Plugins become visible to Vim after this call.
call plug#end()

Install vim-plug

Then in .vimrc
-- install plugins
-- update plug ins


3) To start, open a .R file in Vim

vi jm.R
then type
\rf to start R
A list of commands can be found here.


4) But apparently I needed to set my <leader> in Vim. Set to '\'
:let mapleader = "\\"
type '\rf'

5) At the bottom, there should be "updating..."
--stuck at this error: 'nvimcom' package not found...

To be continued.....