This time I googled something I read in the newspaper a while back: the rankings of the countries and cities offering broadband services...
Singapore's ranked 7th in the world and 4th in Asia. It's really not surprising to find SOuth Korea and Japan at the top and Japan's 3 cities nabbed the top 3 for city placing - Yokohama, Sapporo, Nagoya. Considering first-hand experience of SingNet's capabilities, the arguably largest provider in Singapore, I think Singapore has MUCH to improve.

Most liveable City (Monocle): 18th in the world, 4th in Asia!
1. Zurich
2. Copenhagen
3. Tokyo --> My brother's dream city...
4. Munich --> Ach, hab' ich bei hier gewohnt. Muenchen ist schoen aber ein bisschen teuer....
5. Helsinki
6. Stockholm
7. Vienna
8. Paris --> For my dear =)
9. Melbourne
10. Berlin --> Ganz geil!
11. Honolulu
12. Madrid
13. Sydney
14. Vancouver
15. Barcelona
16. Fukuoka --> Maybe my bro likes this.
17. Oslo
18. Singapore --> Singapore's strengths lie in her security and stability, parallelled by few.
19. Montreal
20. Auckland
21. Amsterdam --> Very relaxing, and picturesque...
22. Kyoto --> Or maybe this is my bro's dream city?
23. Hamburg --> Eine schoene Stadt, aber es regnet zu oft....
24. Geneva
25. Lisbon
See any more familiar cities?
Quality of Living
Singapore's best in infrastructure. I think Singaporeans should really be proud of so many things in Singapore - security, stability, infrastructure, organisation, efficiency, wiredness etc etc... YEs, there are areas of improvement definitely, but which country doesn't?