Friday, October 29, 2010

Exciting life

It actually might not be apparent from all my complaints, and talking about how busy life is now, but I really am feeling (unexpectedly) exhilarated about even the uncertainties of the future. Maybe, but despite the routine classes, I manage to find something that puts me into certain perspective and something that keeps me going. I wouldn't want to deny the fact that it gets difficult sometimes, but somehow, I begin to appreciate some small things around me, amidst rushing =)
The little bear that I wish good night every single night =)

Anyway, complaining actually lets off some steam, to keep balance LOLX. Self-justification ehz haha.

This is probably really way overdue. But we held on an impromptu birthday dinner for G, at this bar-restaurant down at East Rock, Archie Moore's. D, V, and a new friend De, were there to chill out after weeks of slogging, an evening of relaxation and mundane chatters. Hopefully we will have more chances for such chillouts in future, because I have come to understand the term "affinity" a little better now. So illogical, but so human...

人与人之间微妙的“关系”。。就像《翼》:“...(要改变命运)就要付出同等的代价。黑刚的宝剑,法尹的魔法。。接下来,我要的是你和她之间的关系。。。即使她醒过来,联系你们之间的关系已消失, 难道这样也无所谓吗?” 关系虽已不存在,但情感还在吧。关系不是因为情感的羁绊而存在吗?无所谓,能够看到她的笑容,才是最重要的。

Some people probably wouldn't believe if I said I actually find the "Twilight" trilogy an enjoyable read =)

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