Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Windows 10 installation in VirtualBox and setting up shared folder

Conversion of SAS file formats seems an unlikely challenge. Unfortunately, the packages from Python and R churned out many errors for my files. So I am trying to install an SDS version. Since I am using a Mac right now, I would need Windows to run SAS and I would need VirtualBox on my OS X. I found 2 ways to get SAS and both use VirtualBox anyway, so I thought I would document the setting up procedure, with the steps to create shared folders.

CREDITS: steps were adapted from here

Host OS: Mac OS X El Capitan 64-bit, CPU-i7 quad core @  1600 MHz, 16GB RAM
VM: Oracle's Virtualbox (VB)
Guest OS: Windows 10

Installation of Windows 10:
1) Download Windows 10 .iso file. I downloaded the 64-bit (amd64).

2) Download VirtualBox. After installation, got through the wizard to install Virtualbox. It's a very straightforward process:
a) OS Type: OS=Windows 10 (64-bit)
b) Memory: I chose fixed storage - it's supposedly faster.

3) Double click on ISO to initiate VM. Follow wizard to install Windows OS using the .iso file from (1).

Set this up to allow access of host files from the guest system.
1) Create a folder, name of your choice. For illustration purpose, the path of my folder is "C:\Shared".
2) Open VB, go Settings > Shared Folders.
3) Click on the 'Add folder' icon, key in the path, and look for folder name from (1).

4) Checking 'read-only' means you will not be able to change anything from the guest machine - guest can only 'download' - so for all practical purposes, we uncheck this.

5) You should also set "Auto-mount", and "Make Permanent", so that the folder is mounted every time you load this VM. A good picture on how this is done, click here. "Make Permanent" box might not be present, if not, do not do anything.

6) Start VM and login. From the VB menu, select Devices > CD/DVD Devices > VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
This ISO contains an image of a DVD that contains essential files. Mount this image (something like putting in a virtual CD/DVD into a virtual drive). Run the image using:
sudo /cdrom/VBoxLinnuxAddition-amd64.run

7) You might need to restart the VM.

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