I have faced up to the fact that I think I am officially no longer cut out to be in the league of academics.
*Congrats* *roll eyes*
Good, one off the list of possible careers.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
你开着一辆车。 在一个暴风雨的晚上。 你经过一个车站。 有三个人正在焦急的等公共汽车。
一个是快要临死的老人,他需要马上去医院。 一个是医生,他曾救过你的命,你做梦都想报答他。 还有一个女人/男人,她/他是你做梦都想嫁/娶的人,也许错过就没有了。 但你的车只能在坐下一个人,你会如何选择? 我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。 老人快要死了,你首先应该先救他。 你也想让那个医生上车,因为他救过你,这是个好机会报答他。 还有就是你的梦中情人。错过了这个机会。你可能永远不能遇到一个让你这么心动的人了。
在200个应征者中,只有一个人被雇佣了,他并没有解释他的理由,他只是说了以下的话:“给医生车钥匙,让他带着老人去医院,而我则留下来陪我的梦中情人一起等公车!" 每个人我认识的人都认为以上的回答是最好的,但没有一个人(包括我在内)一开始就想到。
小哲理:是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多
I thought this was nice. But I think the 哲理 part, abit "想太多" le, LOLX
一个是快要临死的老人,他需要马上去医院。 一个是医生,他曾救过你的命,你做梦都想报答他。 还有一个女人/男人,她/他是你做梦都想嫁/娶的人,也许错过就没有了。 但你的车只能在坐下一个人,你会如何选择? 我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。 老人快要死了,你首先应该先救他。 你也想让那个医生上车,因为他救过你,这是个好机会报答他。 还有就是你的梦中情人。错过了这个机会。你可能永远不能遇到一个让你这么心动的人了。
在200个应征者中,只有一个人被雇佣了,他并没有解释他的理由,他只是说了以下的话:“给医生车钥匙,让他带着老人去医院,而我则留下来陪我的梦中情人一起等公车!" 每个人我认识的人都认为以上的回答是最好的,但没有一个人(包括我在内)一开始就想到。
小哲理:是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多
I thought this was nice. But I think the 哲理 part, abit "想太多" le, LOLX

It was raining cats and dogs after my exams today. Like heralding the closing ceremony of my round 1 battle LOLX. But well, glad to say, I think I KOed the foe. *all right!* Then again, this is not the paper I was most scared of. I am still waiting for my "tutor", to consult concerning my stats paper on Sat :P
Yesterday was talking online to one of my closest friends, on the eve of my first paper. But well, I dun think exams should be an excuse to friendship talks especially when I am sick of studying already :P She said she has "commitment phobic" and what do I think of marriage.
Stunned for a moment.
Well, the fact is I have not really thought of it. Haha... Firstly cos it's the season of exams. Duh... But most importantly, cos I dun even have a girlfriend. So never really thought I would be really faced with such a matter, until yesterday that I realised this is a very true phase that I might be going through in future. I mean, 20 plus of my life on this planet earth, I seemed to be just accepting things as they come. Extra things are usually chucked one side; don't-trouble-trouble-unless-trouble-troubles-you kind of a attitude. So the bottomline being, I realise I have nothing to offer in exchange for her questions.
What I then realised was, she already has certain things somewhat planned for, although still uncertain and shaky, she has somehow sort of a gist. Well, that's my careerwoman friend for you. I come to a conclusion that somehow or other, like a sudden bolt from the blues, people will know what they want, what they need at a certain age in time. Call it wisdom or intuition or what, but arcane as it may sound, it really does happen.
My heart goes out to this close friend who have finally found someone truly deserving of her, after really lots of twists and winds in her life, I am glad she seems to have found her "one" :P >> to her: Life is unexpected. Deal with it haha.
But it is rewarding as well, because you may be pleasantly surprised by what you might find just around the corner. Provided, of course, then you see it and grab the chance.
"Living in my own world, didn't understand that anything can happen when you take the chance. Never believed in what I couldn't see, I never open my heart to all the possibilities.... It's the start of something new."
Although maybe a little too soon, I hear church bells ringing in the distance already....
Yesterday was talking online to one of my closest friends, on the eve of my first paper. But well, I dun think exams should be an excuse to friendship talks especially when I am sick of studying already :P She said she has "commitment phobic" and what do I think of marriage.
Stunned for a moment.
Well, the fact is I have not really thought of it. Haha... Firstly cos it's the season of exams. Duh... But most importantly, cos I dun even have a girlfriend. So never really thought I would be really faced with such a matter, until yesterday that I realised this is a very true phase that I might be going through in future. I mean, 20 plus of my life on this planet earth, I seemed to be just accepting things as they come. Extra things are usually chucked one side; don't-trouble-trouble-unless-trouble-troubles-you kind of a attitude. So the bottomline being, I realise I have nothing to offer in exchange for her questions.
What I then realised was, she already has certain things somewhat planned for, although still uncertain and shaky, she has somehow sort of a gist. Well, that's my careerwoman friend for you. I come to a conclusion that somehow or other, like a sudden bolt from the blues, people will know what they want, what they need at a certain age in time. Call it wisdom or intuition or what, but arcane as it may sound, it really does happen.
My heart goes out to this close friend who have finally found someone truly deserving of her, after really lots of twists and winds in her life, I am glad she seems to have found her "one" :P >> to her: Life is unexpected. Deal with it haha.
But it is rewarding as well, because you may be pleasantly surprised by what you might find just around the corner. Provided, of course, then you see it and grab the chance.
"Living in my own world, didn't understand that anything can happen when you take the chance. Never believed in what I couldn't see, I never open my heart to all the possibilities.... It's the start of something new."
Although maybe a little too soon, I hear church bells ringing in the distance already....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Round 1 starts... soon.
Ok my first paper starts tomorrow... Changing landscapes of Singapore....
Now my head is flooded with the jargons and concepts which I tried to squeeze.... Hopefully I perform tomorrow..
After taking so many exams (for my entire life until today in fact), I thought I should be ok by now. It never stops gnawing... grrrr.... I guess some things in life never stop. Like exams and tests. ALWAYS... There is bound to be these things call exams and tests somewhere somehow sometimes. People can't seem to want to make life easier for other people.
And sighz, I am hungry again. It always happens when my adrenaline rushed. Either I feel like going to the toilet or I am hungry... Is there something wrong with my hypothalamus or is it the pituitary?
Does anybody have any snacks to eat?
Now my head is flooded with the jargons and concepts which I tried to squeeze.... Hopefully I perform tomorrow..
After taking so many exams (for my entire life until today in fact), I thought I should be ok by now. It never stops gnawing... grrrr.... I guess some things in life never stop. Like exams and tests. ALWAYS... There is bound to be these things call exams and tests somewhere somehow sometimes. People can't seem to want to make life easier for other people.
And sighz, I am hungry again. It always happens when my adrenaline rushed. Either I feel like going to the toilet or I am hungry... Is there something wrong with my hypothalamus or is it the pituitary?
Does anybody have any snacks to eat?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Changi Airport Terminal 3
Since I am on this topic of globalisation, I might as well, talk about my most recent excursion to the most coveted Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3!! With XL, our camera girl, and YC, our SNAG (ok dun beat me up... exam tmr shouldn't be reading this ya know... lolx. It's a compliment anyway.. zzzz).
Well, terminal 3 (T3) is not officially open yet. Just that it is open to the public now for viewing, till December I think. Please click on the link for more information.
It was impressive, I mean, it's new and large, but I was kind of expecting something really out of the ordinary, in terms of the structure. Anyhow, the main thing that attracted me was the roof, which is engineered with reflectors. Why engineered? Because these reflectors are supposed to be for the purpose of reflecting natural light in the day. I was really amazed at how this whole engineering thingy works, because the LARGE ENTIRE terminal, was actually quite bright, with energy-saving lights that day.
I was kind of expecting something out of the green wall, but well, fall short of expectations. But the whole concept of integrating greens and blues (changing landscapes...) into the airport: lounge-in-a-garden concept and the butterfly park, was quite fascinating actually. But oh well, limited to long-haul flights of SIA, Emirates and some other bigger air carriers. No Lufthansa I am afraid. Hopefully I get to be in T3 the next time I fly :P And get to really see it in action.
Then we witnessed some Bangla people throwing the dummy luggages. Literally throwing... Xinli was kind of scared about the way our luggage might have been treated. Well, I would want to think because they know they are just dummies, so....
While I was on this, I did a check on the rankings of air carriers and rankings of airports 2007; Munich airport is most popular EUROPE airport!!! Though I still find Schiphol (Amsterdam) much nicer, o well, preferences I guess. Top 3 airports are Asian airports and air carriers! Our dear Changi tied with Seoul in 2nd place! *APPLAUSE* Plus some other accolades.
Well, I can't say much for a lot of things, but I do love Singapore's airport :P
I wonder why...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Back in Action!
Ok after all the procrastination, all the nudgings from people, all the say-i-will-do-but-dint-dos, decided to revive my blog! HAHA..
2) High School Musical 2
5) Happily Ever After
*Interview with the blog -->
JM: So how does it feel to live again?
Blog: erm... I feel... alive? Duh?
JM: ...
Actually seriously, restarting this blog thingy is more for the benefit of myself. Knowing my own personal desire to essay, in order to prevent 'internal harddisk' overload of the motherbrain. Something along the line of the Pensieve of Dumbledore.
The opening ceremony is no doubt in the midst of all the examination maelstrom! Nice huh?!? I think most of the SEP people have no doubt experienced this unexplainable need to blog during exam periods in Germany, and of course there is this post-SEP syndrome, which totally zaps you of the drive to study HAHA.
But ya that zap seemed to have occurred at full blast on me. During my preparation for exams, I actually watched so many movies:
1) High School Musical
- NICE MUSIC, but the plot is, well, about high school love and life, so it can get a bit cheesy. It does make me reminiscent of those young days LOLX.... I am like ah pek liaoz.... Somebody just called me 'uncle' a while ago *faint*
- NICE MUSIC, but the plot is, well, about high school love and life, so it can get a bit cheesy. It does make me reminiscent of those young days LOLX.... I am like ah pek liaoz.... Somebody just called me 'uncle' a while ago *faint*
Oh, Zac Efron dint really sing any of the songs here. Some Drew Seeley guy who is the writer of the songs in HSM actually sung them.
2) High School Musical 2
- NICE MUSIC again. Like Vanessa Hudgens vocals... Really nice. "I gotta go on my own way" is NICE! Go grab it! And she has got a pretty face too :P
3) The Devil wears Prada
- Meryl Streep ROX!
4) Transformers
- Unexpectedly terrific!
5) Happily Ever After
6) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- The book is better, i guess :P
and HK drama serials
7) 溏心风暴
- garnered most of Hongkong's drama awards. Watch it in Canto; it's nicer :P
8) 舞动全城
- very nice. Recommended for aunties and uncles HAHA. And of course those social dancing queens and kings, not the hip hop and modern dancing.
9) 岁月风云
- haven finished watching, well it's 60 episodes... But it houses a huge cast of first-line HK actors and actresses.
I am amazed (and disgusted) by how much ill-discipline and bochap-ness for my exams, final year no doubt... But well, I am a TV-addict....... I shall give some leeway.....
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