I thought when I came to Germany, I have gotten rid of their existence.
I hate flies. I hate insects in general. I think they are some of the foulest things around...
And I found them in Germany. In Munich. And they are now flying all over the WG!!
Totally flabbergasted. Totally disgusted. And there are like 10 now sticking to the glass panes of the window outside my room... I just hope they dun fly in. Because seriously I would have to do some Schaedlingsbekampfung on these THINGS.... And I dun wanna waste my precious time on these THINGS.
But flies in Germany are pretty much like those in Australia. Shiny skin, big and definitely stupid. Low reactions as compared to those in SEA. I killed like 2 in the past months, one with my right foot (can you believe it?!?!) and the other one with a used magazine. Really, they are quite predictable once you get the hang of it.
The big ones are usually the dumb ones: move in slowly, they wunt even twitch, unlike their Asian counterparts, then just have to endure the grostesqueness of it all and BRRRACK! EEEEEWWWWW!!!
When I exclaimed at the flies outside my room, Petya showed me the ones in the kitchen..... Seriously. Astounded.
I wonder how Lin Tao can endure them buzzing around his wan3 tan1 (yes he is bao-ing jiaozi) and can still happily SLURP away.... Haiz...
Maybe I can get some photos somehow...
But no way am I opening that door unless IT'S necessary.
Why am I always like up against them? I mean, im Ernst, killing cockroaches at my aunt's place, and now killing flies in Germany. I think we are made to hate each other. To the guts.
If I had wishes, one of them would durchaus be mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and creepy-crawlies, please all die...
Not scared of them, just felt disgusted by them....
But then again there will the upsetting of the ecologic balance and then the cosmic balance and then blah blah blah....... The entomologists would probably start sending hate mails to me.
JM, the Insectkiller, sounds too much like JM, the Insecticide... Ok I am rambling...
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