Thursday, December 13, 2007
My first...
Thanks to YC and XL for making my KBox experience such an enjoyable and addictive one HAHA! Well, although it was only 3 persons, it was really fun in that small cubicle.
Can we go again? LOLX
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fresh from Hell

B: Whoever that is *roll eyes*
Monday, December 10, 2007
One week
The past week ensuing the exams is a tightly packed series of activities... Now let's see what I had:
05 Dec 07 (Wed):
Last day of exams - T3 Re-visit with my family!
06 Dec 07 (Thurs):
Comp Bio Chalet at The Chevrons
07 Dec 07 (Fri):
Settlers' Cafe Outing with XL, Kat, Grace, Ian and Wilson
08 Dec 07 (Sat):
09 Dec 07 (Sun):
Nua at home with my mum and bro... basically playing &... erm playing haha
Ok maybe it doesn't seemed that packed. But just to know that I have activities planned out after my exams really made me look forward to post-exams days very much. And it was really well-spaced out coincidentally; I have ample rest and ample fun throughout.
Compbio chalet was quite fun haha... Hadn't had so much laughter (and alcohol) since coming back from SEP haha... We stayed up till 7 am in the morning before we knock out!!! Well, though I wasn't the closest of friends to them, I did enjoy the company and games and all. Mahjong, Bridge, 'Daidi', Truth or Dare and The Ultimate Number (LOLX literally - 终极密码) and what-have-we's. The barbeque was a little haphazard though haha. Apparently my days of OAC have left only remnants of outdoor survival skills. Took us quite a while to set AND re-set the fire HAHA. The number game saw the usual people drinking lotsa Tequila haha cos the effects of alcohol compounded heavily apparently LOLX. Tequila tastes yucks urrgh lolx....
Then we discussed about our graduation trip too, to Vietnam, cos Ph says she can bring us around :P Come to think of it, it is kindda fast. We are the pioneer batch of computational biology people, and I could still remember the angst we had about our modules and the problems we were facing initially. Thankfully, we stuck together as a group a lot of the times and helped each other a lot. Well, I am glad I got to know such a fun-loving group of people.
Let's go Settlers' Cafe again lehz... We can play the new games from Germany there!!!
Well, the dust is finally settling. New phase, new resolution, new direction. I guess there is a need to pick things up and snap back from play to a more balanced life of work and play.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Day after Tomorrow...
Why the hell am I not happy?!?
Because on this bloody eve of my bloody last paper which is going to happen in the next 9 hours or so, my SEP coodinator happily emailed me telling
"Hi JM, Please note your credits transfer has been processed by Registrar’s Office, however one of the mapped modules CZ4225 does not exist. Please clarify / remap. Thanks...."
So then I faithfully tried to search for all evidences, on the day I should be preparing for my papers tomorrow. Apparently the bloody module is not being offered and will be replaced by CZ5225, and although they are equivalent, there is no automatic reinstalment; apparently I have to re-map it. After I finished filling out the forms and ready to send and go, I got this
"Should you have any urgent matters regarding SEP, please contact Ms Sangeetha at 6516 4930. Thank you."
Ya thanks so much for making my day....
If there is one thing I learn in Germany, it would be to take things slowly.... Even if it's for efficient Singapore.... *Breathe, jm, breathe*
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Setting my life straight
I need to set myself back on track.
Until then, I ought to make final preparations for the last lap.
I need something that can shake my life and tear my world apart and
I want something that can hold me and keep me from falling apart
Saturday, December 1, 2007
LASIK - final verdict

Finally I have come to peace with myself about doing LASIK. For those of you who have been stung by my enthusiasm and oscillatory verdicts of doing (or not doing), I think I have finally settled down to NOT doing it.
For those of you who don't know, NUH now offers a $2500 standard LASIK package (there are other forms of LASIK) for both eyes for only NUS students and their immediate family members. Pretty cheap actually, and it's state-linked hospital, so reputable enough, not some dodgy end-of-some-dark-building clinic. Just pop down to the University Wellness Centre at YIH, tell the receptionist nurse you are interested in doing pre-LASIK examination at NUH LASIK centre, and that you are from NUS, to get a card that gives you free pre-LASIK examination (usually costs $100++).
Despite the eye surgeon's high credentials, NUH so-far-so-good reputation, my more-than-optimal eye examination report and of course their (seemingly over)confidence that I would be able to get back at least a 6/12 vision in terms of myopia and a reduction in my astigmatism, I think the main concerns would be:
(a) the risk of operation on my precious eyes, which although stays with only 1-2% of patients, I would say that is still high, considering the number of patients there are
(b) the severity of the side effects
(c) that this is definitely not necessary as my vision, although not perfect, and aid-dependent, other than the hassle of wearing specs and contacts, is definitely not getting on my nerves
(d) the money could have been placed somewhere more useful at the moment, like sustaining my body system, since I would probably have a hard time looking for a job, unless you self-employed people out there decided to employ me of course *hint hint*
(e I can still do it later in my life when I am more or less financially stable and when the technology could have been better, which I think it would, given the research and potential of the market
(f) the timing does not seem correct now, with all the final year shit piling up in the shithole....
(g) and of course my ever-so wise, though conservative, mum
(ok this looks like a LSM4241 essay in point form...)
So I think, na ja, I will hold it off for the moment. And if you all bother to even listen to the news or read the newspaper, there are people who did LASIK in strong and steady Singapore and didn't get a good job done. On the other hand, you will see lots of foreigners at the LASIK centre at NUH who flocked specifically to do it in Singapore, where it's cheaper but more reliable than back in their own country. It's just one centre; imagine the combined number in entire Singapore.
So I guess it's quite safe in Singapore la. Though I am really quite gian, at least for now, I think I will live my life as it is, leaving my eyes alone for the moment.
Status quo....
Oh, for more information, just google "LASIK". There is this "Top 10 reasons to avoid LASIK" website (or something along that line) that has put together the immense hatred, self-righteousness and bitterness of some 'failure' LASIK patients, to discourage you from doing LASIK. Amazingly informative, just as is scary... But bear in mind also from the persective that these people are coming from.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Round 2.... Kanna KOed....
*Congrats* *roll eyes*
Good, one off the list of possible careers.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
一个是快要临死的老人,他需要马上去医院。 一个是医生,他曾救过你的命,你做梦都想报答他。 还有一个女人/男人,她/他是你做梦都想嫁/娶的人,也许错过就没有了。 但你的车只能在坐下一个人,你会如何选择? 我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。 老人快要死了,你首先应该先救他。 你也想让那个医生上车,因为他救过你,这是个好机会报答他。 还有就是你的梦中情人。错过了这个机会。你可能永远不能遇到一个让你这么心动的人了。
在200个应征者中,只有一个人被雇佣了,他并没有解释他的理由,他只是说了以下的话:“给医生车钥匙,让他带着老人去医院,而我则留下来陪我的梦中情人一起等公车!" 每个人我认识的人都认为以上的回答是最好的,但没有一个人(包括我在内)一开始就想到。
小哲理:是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多
I thought this was nice. But I think the 哲理 part, abit "想太多" le, LOLX

Yesterday was talking online to one of my closest friends, on the eve of my first paper. But well, I dun think exams should be an excuse to friendship talks especially when I am sick of studying already :P She said she has "commitment phobic" and what do I think of marriage.
Stunned for a moment.
Well, the fact is I have not really thought of it. Haha... Firstly cos it's the season of exams. Duh... But most importantly, cos I dun even have a girlfriend. So never really thought I would be really faced with such a matter, until yesterday that I realised this is a very true phase that I might be going through in future. I mean, 20 plus of my life on this planet earth, I seemed to be just accepting things as they come. Extra things are usually chucked one side; don't-trouble-trouble-unless-trouble-troubles-you kind of a attitude. So the bottomline being, I realise I have nothing to offer in exchange for her questions.
What I then realised was, she already has certain things somewhat planned for, although still uncertain and shaky, she has somehow sort of a gist. Well, that's my careerwoman friend for you. I come to a conclusion that somehow or other, like a sudden bolt from the blues, people will know what they want, what they need at a certain age in time. Call it wisdom or intuition or what, but arcane as it may sound, it really does happen.
My heart goes out to this close friend who have finally found someone truly deserving of her, after really lots of twists and winds in her life, I am glad she seems to have found her "one" :P >> to her: Life is unexpected. Deal with it haha.
But it is rewarding as well, because you may be pleasantly surprised by what you might find just around the corner. Provided, of course, then you see it and grab the chance.
"Living in my own world, didn't understand that anything can happen when you take the chance. Never believed in what I couldn't see, I never open my heart to all the possibilities.... It's the start of something new."
Although maybe a little too soon, I hear church bells ringing in the distance already....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Round 1 starts... soon.
Now my head is flooded with the jargons and concepts which I tried to squeeze.... Hopefully I perform tomorrow..
After taking so many exams (for my entire life until today in fact), I thought I should be ok by now. It never stops gnawing... grrrr.... I guess some things in life never stop. Like exams and tests. ALWAYS... There is bound to be these things call exams and tests somewhere somehow sometimes. People can't seem to want to make life easier for other people.
And sighz, I am hungry again. It always happens when my adrenaline rushed. Either I feel like going to the toilet or I am hungry... Is there something wrong with my hypothalamus or is it the pituitary?
Does anybody have any snacks to eat?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Changi Airport Terminal 3
Since I am on this topic of globalisation, I might as well, talk about my most recent excursion to the most coveted Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3!! With XL, our camera girl, and YC, our SNAG (ok dun beat me up... exam tmr shouldn't be reading this ya know... lolx. It's a compliment anyway.. zzzz).
Well, terminal 3 (T3) is not officially open yet. Just that it is open to the public now for viewing, till December I think. Please click on the link for more information.
It was impressive, I mean, it's new and large, but I was kind of expecting something really out of the ordinary, in terms of the structure. Anyhow, the main thing that attracted me was the roof, which is engineered with reflectors. Why engineered? Because these reflectors are supposed to be for the purpose of reflecting natural light in the day. I was really amazed at how this whole engineering thingy works, because the LARGE ENTIRE terminal, was actually quite bright, with energy-saving lights that day.
I was kind of expecting something out of the green wall, but well, fall short of expectations. But the whole concept of integrating greens and blues (changing landscapes...) into the airport: lounge-in-a-garden concept and the butterfly park, was quite fascinating actually. But oh well, limited to long-haul flights of SIA, Emirates and some other bigger air carriers. No Lufthansa I am afraid. Hopefully I get to be in T3 the next time I fly :P And get to really see it in action.
Then we witnessed some Bangla people throwing the dummy luggages. Literally throwing... Xinli was kind of scared about the way our luggage might have been treated. Well, I would want to think because they know they are just dummies, so....
While I was on this, I did a check on the rankings of air carriers and rankings of airports 2007; Munich airport is most popular EUROPE airport!!! Though I still find Schiphol (Amsterdam) much nicer, o well, preferences I guess. Top 3 airports are Asian airports and air carriers! Our dear Changi tied with Seoul in 2nd place! *APPLAUSE* Plus some other accolades.
Well, I can't say much for a lot of things, but I do love Singapore's airport :P
I wonder why...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Back in Action!
- NICE MUSIC, but the plot is, well, about high school love and life, so it can get a bit cheesy. It does make me reminiscent of those young days LOLX.... I am like ah pek liaoz.... Somebody just called me 'uncle' a while ago *faint*
2) High School Musical 2
5) Happily Ever After
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I dun mind getting a 4,0. Just pass me.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
There was YC's birthday; probably our last time at Hongkong restaurant. One of our favourite haunts definitely. Come to think of it, why didn't XL take photo with the lao2 ban3?!?!? Made YC a cake AND a card, hope he liked it :P It's funny how innovative people can get when u wanna do "clandestine" activities: passing a textbook to ask questions with the card behind then the person would act knowledgeable, after writing and says "Yah that's correct.." (JL dun even do engineering...) or messaging the person 5 metres away to say to go toilet, or trying to get a knife from a kitchen... Great fun HAHA
Meine erste muendliche Pruefung was not so bad actually, though I think I totally freaked out before the exam. I had to calm my nerves down so much. The lecturer was nice b4 and after the exam but NOT during the exam. He looked so exasperated everytime I couldn't answer what he wanted me to; some of his questions were a bit vague siahz: after a series of questions about the structure of a protein (bio and physical aspects), he went on to say "What if I throw a protein in a solution, what will happen to a protein??" zzzzz... That is like how vague can? I mean anything can happen to it what? I poke around the question, and all the while I thought it was on proteins!! Until suddenly I got so fed up, I just spouted "It will move." It seemed to have hit the correct nerve.... zzzz.... I was so 'gek' when the question that seems so 'protein' turned out to be a question on Brownian motion.... His smoke bomb really very powderful....
But generally the only section I couldn't answer well enough were the thermodynamics questions. Haiz... Physics, immer the bane of my life. (the other sections were mostly biological). So I passed. Whew!
Came back. Listening to the National Day songs now. I kindda miss Kit Chan's voice. Seriously himmlisch... The lyrics were ok lahz... Though there was much debate at the dinner table yesterday. Just that I felt I dun really connect to the lyrics lahz.... "Home" (mandarin version) I feel is still THE classic. Kit Chan's voice is always acoustic pleasure.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Jug and Rug and Glasses and Tupperwares
This message was from this person who was supposed to be my buyer for my jug and rug and she goes on to say that she has bought those over the weekend. She din even apologise or give me a message to tell me she din want my offer anymore, when in the first place she sounded so enthusiastic about them. I had to message her twice over for 2 days, PM her over the forum before she gave me a reply. Fortunately I haven't washed the rug for her yet.... Wanted to do it today. That would have cost extra money from the washing machine at the Wohnheim.
I thought it would have been the right way to just inform people when you have confirmed with the person already. It's just a matter of courtesy. Even if it's just a 1 Euro rug. And jug. So I think it would be a nicer world if people communicate: give Bescheid of things that were discussed and confirmed. You never know how much effort the person is gonna put into the things, or the anxiety or nervousness or whatsoever that comes with it. Just imagine if you were in that person's shoes. At least apologise lahz. That's the least.
Ok people who knows people or are the people who need these items, pls tell me thx
An IKEA rug, 60 x 90 cm
Filter-Jug with an extra unopened brand new filter included
For pictures, pls click the following link:
2 x glasses
2 x blue-capped Tupperwares
If you need to take a look at them, I could post the pictures up. But they are just very normal tupperwares and glasses.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Gewitter 雨的联想
Reached home, listening to my favourite song now: "In the Sun". Just downloaded the many versions of it by Joseph Arthurs, Michael Stipe and Chris Martin from Coldplay. And reading blogs from Kat, from Xinli, from Ian, from so many people. Then was speaking to Zhang Ning online using Hanyu pinyin (!!!), for about an hour. Jialin called as well. Had a short chat. I suddenly realised, it's gonna be the last time till a very long time later that I am gonna see so many people here. Jari, Maria, Konrad, Guokun, Zhang Ning, Philip, Petya, Jean... The very nice people I have met here, Profs, tutors and all the strangers I met on the streets that talked to me, that conversed with me like we have known each other. Then I remembered, it really is the last time I gonna see Ian, before we all see each other back in Singapore. And even then, we might not be seeing each other very much.
All of a sudden, there was this wave of nostalgia... My heart wrenched... Funny isn't it? I never knew this feeling.
People attachments. Those that make you go all weird and gooey inside. Then you start to remember, as the song rolls on and the photos flashed by, all the outings and mirth that came from it, all the chilling-out at Coffee cafes, all the things we do on the trains, all the late night talks, all the nights when we all just sat there talking about trivialities or not talking at all, just enjoying company of one another...
I think I gonna miss it all. Miss them all. Miss everything.
When we all return to our individual real lives back in Singapore, and get on with our lives, get entangled in our day-to-day hassles, and started to blend into the background, into mere statistics, I wonder, just wonder what will become of these memories. Do they stay deep-rooted, missed, and stay in status quo, or do they grow, gnaw and develop into something else?
For a moment, you don't know whether you want to turn back time or want to go on.
But I guess, it is such moments that make you feel satisfied, feel sweet, feel joyous, feel strong to go on, that you have lived, among friends. That your memory will live in them too. That life is still full of good things after all. A little sad, perhaps that good things dun last as long as you wanted them to be, but they stay good.
To those thoughts, I thank all the people I love and love me in my life. I thank all the close and good friends and strangers that shaped and still shaping my life.
And I am just thankful that I am walking this world with all of you.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Weiterfuehrende Bioinformatik
I hope I pass....
Thursday, July 19, 2007

I thought when I came to Germany, I have gotten rid of their existence.
I hate flies. I hate insects in general. I think they are some of the foulest things around...
And I found them in Germany. In Munich. And they are now flying all over the WG!!
Totally flabbergasted. Totally disgusted. And there are like 10 now sticking to the glass panes of the window outside my room... I just hope they dun fly in. Because seriously I would have to do some Schaedlingsbekampfung on these THINGS.... And I dun wanna waste my precious time on these THINGS.
But flies in Germany are pretty much like those in Australia. Shiny skin, big and definitely stupid. Low reactions as compared to those in SEA. I killed like 2 in the past months, one with my right foot (can you believe it?!?!) and the other one with a used magazine. Really, they are quite predictable once you get the hang of it.
The big ones are usually the dumb ones: move in slowly, they wunt even twitch, unlike their Asian counterparts, then just have to endure the grostesqueness of it all and BRRRACK! EEEEEWWWWW!!!
When I exclaimed at the flies outside my room, Petya showed me the ones in the kitchen..... Seriously. Astounded.
I wonder how Lin Tao can endure them buzzing around his wan3 tan1 (yes he is bao-ing jiaozi) and can still happily SLURP away.... Haiz...
Maybe I can get some photos somehow...
But no way am I opening that door unless IT'S necessary.
Why am I always like up against them? I mean, im Ernst, killing cockroaches at my aunt's place, and now killing flies in Germany. I think we are made to hate each other. To the guts.
If I had wishes, one of them would durchaus be mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and creepy-crawlies, please all die...
Not scared of them, just felt disgusted by them....
But then again there will the upsetting of the ecologic balance and then the cosmic balance and then blah blah blah....... The entomologists would probably start sending hate mails to me.
JM, the Insectkiller, sounds too much like JM, the Insecticide... Ok I am rambling...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Meine erste Klausur, erster Schein und mein Schnabeltier!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007
BBQ - the last gathering b4 Singapore
The BBQ was to me, like a re-connection. Deen and Chuanjie came!! Haha, 2 of my best friends. Then it felt so weird to me when now we have so many common topics to talk about when last time we had not that much. It's really amazing!
Then yesterday night my dear 2 friends, Konrad and Philip, at 1230am in the morning are still at LMU computer lab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really WTF?!?!? I am so scared to be a Masters student now... They are so SCARY!! And nocturnal... zzzz.... And to all who dunno, Konrad was in NUS for 2 semesters b4 this one. I actually took the same lecture as him for one of the modules and I din know LOLX. How oblivious can I get... Actually, very... haha... But boy am I glad to have known him here, despite going one big round across countries and continents. We sort of hit it off quite well, I guess. And Philip, have you finished your thesis? Good luck on your thesis! You are featured in that scientific magazine!!! Was it a scientific magazine?!?!
GAMBATTE people! The exams are nigh, but so are the post-exams...
Ok I am getting overdose of mugging and getting real cranky....
Ok, so for the benefit of Konrad, das ist was du verpassen hast haha, click here for the PHOTOS!
I am not focusing... I regret not going to the library with Chong Wee now... Ok tmr tmr... Tmr I will go haha...
And I am into Grey's Anatomy again... Off all times have to be exam period... And I totally adore this song. So I put up the lyrics for all to enjoy:
In the Sun
Joseph Arthur
I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in
May god's love be with you
May god's love be with you
I know I would apologize if I could see your eyes
'cause when you showed me myself I became someone else
But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
I picture you fast asleep
A nightmare comes
You can't keep awake
May god's love be with you
May god's love be with you
'cause if I find
If I find my own way
How much will I find
If I find
If I find my own way
How much will I find
I don't know anymore
What it's for
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun
Will you help me to understand
'cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all I need
Maybe you're not even sure what its for
Any more than me
May gods love be with you
May gods love be with you
Thursday, July 12, 2007
29th July - 1st July - Budapest 三人行
This is definitely one of the best trips yet... Sorry it took so long to blog in my entry for this beautiful city of beautiful people (yeah manz, beauties everywhere)...
Budapest is indeed the Queen of the River Danube. And if u all remember 熊天平's 爱情多瑙河, then yahz this is it. Thermal baths, gargantuan statues, citadels, castles and bridges, they got it all. Plus, they got beautiful people to boot :P Seriously, willowy ones. Woot!
XL, CJ and me.... I think this is our second trip together. First was to Salzburg. And I think the three of us really make a good team. One of the most enjoyable trips ever. I especially like how 3 of us can gel together so seamlessly, with our seemingly so different personalities.
I was flipping through the photos and I LOVE them. Think they were the best photos of ALL the trips I have taken so far. We did so many crazy things haha!! XL and CJ are superb choreographers and photographers haha!! So many nice shots of us. Seriously CJ, we should have just bought the camera stand at the Mediamarkt. And our lame-city seriously maxed out after the oh-so-soothing thermal baths! Our 成语 game seriously... Both of you ganging up against me lorz... Seriously... I will not forfeit one!! No, never! And of course, our late nights talks haha.... What lies within the 4 walls there, stays there ahz....
Like a verification of my theory once again, it's the people that counts... Like what XL said, the chemistry was there, and definitely not due to our budding chemist. I am so glad I have re-found 2 good friends :P
I think years down the road, when I think back, this is definitely one of those memories, I would cherish for the rest of my life.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hallo World!
To the comp bio people, if u all still remember the photos we took right b4 i flew over, yahz i know that is like so long time ago, I have finally put it up!! Click here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEN CHING!! And to YT, sorry forgot to wish you Happy birthday ahz... haha... Make it up now. Better late than nothing :P Hope you all having fun doing your FYP, haha. I will be joining you all soon.... And I was frantically searching for my name in the list of people qualified to do FYP; until I saw "Computational Biology students will be informed separately"... So much for being a Science student...
To Hanxun, finally caught up with you after like eons of emailing... Seriously you ought to keep a permanent Email. Stop naming yourself after your beaus, I think you would be more permanent. Catch you when I go back... Have fun with your middle aged aunties haha!!
To BR lab, ex-BR labbers, if u all are reading this, I have not forgotten you all! Haha. Leeanna, pls if you need tuition, I can give you a discounted rate when I go back. I need tuition jobs. Let you be the first :P
To Uma, hey girl, hope you are doing fine in your work and finding your niche in the world and going overseas to study.
Kai-er, you there?!?!? Have you even gone over to your university yet? Which one you chose? You have like disappeared...
To the rest of the world out there who are reading my blog, HALLO!
It's just nice to know you are heard. lolx.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
In deep shit...
Now I am seriously considering doing the seminar in English.
I am so so screwed...
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Then saw this quote of the day. It got me thinking, my days here in Munich, has been amazing too. It's probably the shortest period of time I got to know so many people and from so many lands, for that matter.
It's amazing a few people just come together and speak a little and just click. The right words and the right gesture, that's all. Sometimes you dun feel that it's enough but the feeling is just right and that hunch stays right there, not budging. Then you will recognise them, remember them, and go back to them, no matter where you are. Sometimes, it's almost like family.
Well, and I realise there are some people that just wouldn't, no matter how much effort is put in, click.
I am so glad I came on this trip.
Fuer meine Freunde um der Welt: finde die Leute dass dein Freude bringen kann...
For my friends around the world: may you find the souls that bring you joy...
Among those whom I like or admire,
I can find no common denominator,
but among those whom I love, I can:
all of them make me laugh. - WH Auden
Thursday, July 5, 2007
JMRightBrain: There is always this 'but' that hangs around you and wunt go away when u want it to. Although it merely sounds like the 'butt', it seriously is an asshole... zzzzz.... BUT can I just take a break?
JMlb: Reap what you sow manz.
JMrb: I wanna believe in that but somehow, at the current status I am going, I would rather I reap what I didn't sow as well... Sighz.... And seriously it IS the last day with my speakers. So I have the excuse to listen to it the entire day right?
Cos seriously, I love my CREATIVE speakers too much... boohoo... I seriously think I am gonna cry. *sobz* So pls can I take a break?
JMlb: ...
Jieming: So now, heck the studying and enjoy the music!
**Martina is gonna be so freaked out by her unglaublichen Nachbarn!**
both by the monologue and the blasting..
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
220607 - 260607 - Paris - Truly the City of Lights
Monday, July 2, 2007
210607 - The Gathering
The story below is not targeted at anybody or anything under any circumstances, emotions and time. I repeat and re-emphasise that what is to come is for fun and laughter, peace and joy, of the common people of middle Earth, fairies and orcs and in-betweens alike. The author does not hold responsible for any consequences unto the text.
The fellowship of the ya-ya brothers-and-sisters-hood gathered around the table of Duelfer-lot and started their last supper of the month together. Our King Arth-Wee has called upon the knights of the Order of the Ruegen-Munix for a little gathering and also to bid our Queen Guine-ying farewell on her final voyage back to the ends of the world, in the land called Singapore, where pirates swoon about the seas called the Internet. It has been dark times. Hence, it was certainly no small task of bringing these great heroes together, from all over the Land, better known as Deutsch-Earth, as they embarked on their journeys of valour in this Land and beyond. Their legends known far and wide...
The house-elf, Dob-ming, bound to the master and the house unfortunately, toiled to wash the toilets and bathrooms above all things, to prepare the Duelfer-lot castle for the arrival of the guests. Through the Pelantir, he made a list of what the guests were to bring as well…
"I shall come forth and feed thou with my fried rice and of course we shall make merry and be merry," commented our merry man (and lady), Wilson and Kat, of the Land of Giants and Hobbits, where both races, thanks to them, have lived in symbiosis for centuries, and many more to come. Legend has it that our giant, Wilson, turns into a giant powerful red pokemon lobster on the concoction called alcohol and Kat, our shrewd and astute impish-hobbit, attacks valiantly through an AGM with razor blade words and needles of recommendations.
"Your rice is venomous! I shall call upon the powers of my magic! From the depths of mirth and merryness! Baileys! Come forth!" Grace Weasley, "Bloody hell! Sorry, I hexxed my transmutation spell again! But never mind, they look the same anyway, just tear away the label, cannot tell right?"
>>>“I think it should be ‘merriness’ not ‘merryness’…” “A spell no need to be spelt correctly one...” “Then why is it called a ‘spell’?” “Oh shut up! Get on with it.”
"And me with my salad, from my humble Garden of Eden. Hail the King and Queen of
Duelfer-lot!" As wisely spoken from our wise-woman Professor Jialin-sprout. The brain-child of the Land had devoted time to the philosophies of nuclear magnetic resonance and their long term effects on her vegetables in the Garden Synchrotron.
"I come with fruits and pastries from the Elven Enchanted Woods of Theriesen-wald," whispered Mel-wen, the evening star of our elven brethren of Middle Earth. It had so been said that Mel the Anie is not afraid anything under the sun, but freaks out under the powerful Chinese words of the White Wizard of the Erlangen Tower.
The night would not be total without the presence of our sea-goddess, Xinlip-to. Recently been released from the sea of the dead where existed the warped timeline of “Today is tomorrow”, she could easily think about the time of today as tomorrow totally. She is famous for her one-time vanishing act in the Battle of Cinema that she did not turn up, (rumoured to have disappeared into a million crabs). She brought fish. Probably caught when she was in her thousand-crab form.
>>>Oh crap! Erratum!! Sorry “million-crab” form.
"And I, from StuStadt School of Magic and Wizardry, shall enchant the evening with Frikadelle - made from the very essence of The Cabbage and a piece of the legendary Dragon. Of which, was slain by our bravest of all warriors. May I present to all, at long last, Junmin the Forgotten," said Albus Ian-bledore, the principal of StuStadt School of M&W, and the most powerful wizards of all times. "Let the feast begin!"
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
100607 - 130607 - Prague
Arriving at Prague on the first day was not too good for me. First off was I left my couch's address on my freaking table. Then came the dumb regulations at the Munich airport. Ok, maybe I found it dumb cos it happened unpleasantly on me, and I wasn't thinking much about terrorism and stuff but well, it doesn't hurt to complain a little, does it? Then I lost the map CW gave me, which I thought I could rely on. Then I stupidly shut off my handphone on the plane, arriving at Prague, I realised I forgot my PIN number to activate the SIM card. Not very smart, is it? Then my handphone busted. This time, it went out totally. Introspectively, I viewed this both as a good news and bad news. Good news is I justified my SIM inactivation and bad news is I do not have a handphone to contact my surf giver, whom I thought I could use my handphone to call when I left the address on the table... Bad things come in a bunch, how true can the alliteration get? And as if I wasn't in the foulest of mood already, the rain has to come when I was fretting around trying to look for an internet cafe. The rain. The verdammt rain.
Sowieso I still reached the house of my couch giver, Jean (French pronunciation, not a lady), finally after much searching. He was really nice and I was so relieved after my 'series of unfortunate events', that I couldn't wait to put down my bag and start something out in Prague and forget I ever came from Munich. "So erm I will show you your room in the attic." Then he took out a pole. "So what do you need a pole for my room for?" I thought. "Excuse me Jimmy, I need to stand here, sorry." Then he pulled down the trapdoor. From above. Where I was standing before. Then you find yourself climbing up an extended ladder straight up to the attic. To see the most awesome and totally straight-out-of-the-movie attic. Dark, musky, warm, woody etc. But I just find it exciting and cool. HAha, and as if it wasn't enough, there was another ladder that lead u straight up another trapdoor, to the roof! Where we spent in the night, enjoying some breeze and some night scenary from the there. Jean, if u r reading this, I really LOVE your couch. Seriously people, this is what couchsurfing is about - enjoying the travel in a totally different way.
Prague was beautiful. Really beautiful. It's funny how all, and I really mean all, the buildings can look like sculptures. From residences to embassies, even the lampposts and lamps along the streets are unique in a very artsy sort of way. It opened a new horizon to a Singaporean, who was cooped up in his own world, that such normal buildings can be an artistic piece of work and not an architectural one. It makes me wanna see more. Prague Castle is one main attraction that you probably wouldn't wanna miss. Charles Bridge needless to say. Then there was Klementinum, the old Jesuit College, which houses a Baroque style Hall of Jesuit Library. It was really impressive, with all its globes, shelves, books, paintings, carpets and carvings, one of the only attractions that I paid to go in. Vysehrad was impressive only by its stature, because the once grandeur, has been reduced to a mere skeleton. Tons of warring have shattered what was before. I wasn't very keen on the Old Town Square, because it was too 'touristy'. Serious overdose of people. And I would have thought people crowding around Marienplatz just to look at the Glockenspiel was considered a throng; then you should see the real throngs of people gathering to see astronomical clock at Old Town Square. And then you would, also, understand what really is an 'overrated' clock show. Sorry Glockenspiel, you lose, hands down... What's up with big clocks nowadays with people?
And I enjoyed the Josefov Area instead actually. It is a past Jewish area with old synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, and little charming alleys. It has become a place for high-class boutiques. Wenceslas Square is really THE shopping street or platz. I discovered that almost too late, because I found also Deutsche Bank where I could have obtained extra cash if I had found earlier.
I do not think I could really sum up my Prague experience and of course Prague itself in this little entry. I wasn't planning to do so. I definitely would think it would defeat the purpose of writing a travel blog, which I personally think wasn't about writing every little detail about your travelling. Travelling is a thing unto each individual; the same place same time same day can mean totally different things to different people.
My Prague experience was really an individual experience. A solo trip like this certainly did me good. Do things on your own. Make choices on your own. Take pictures of yourself. Talk to yourself. And because there is no external peer pressure to keep your mind preoccupied, instead then u also start to think and introspect. Think about things that has no definite answers. Think about your current predicament. Think about your current imperfect life. Think about how you gonna come ease with yourself. Then at the end of it all, you arrive at no concrete conclusion. That you are not gonna be able to prophesise sowieso, so what the heck are you spending your brain cells on?!??! Then you laugh. In the middle of the street. While you were enjoying the birds chirping and the sun shining. Like somebody had just made a funny comment. Like a conversation was so hilarious. But life is funny, isn't it? In every sense of that word, life is funny. Especially when you think back, when you are here immersed in your life again, life back then when u were just sitting there laughing; u seemed so detached. Funny.
At the end of the stay in Prague, where I got so dreamy, when I was still in my maelstrom of philosphical questions and idiosyncracies, I reached back in Munich airport.
"Sorry sir, luggage from Prague is at Band 6" --one hour later--
Reality slapped you right across the face.
"Welcome back!"